Roald Dahl Nurse Specialist Map

Roald Dahl Nurses are located all around the UK in areas of greatest need.

They work with children and young people who have complex, lifelong conditions. There are currently over 150 Roald Dahl Nurses located in hospitals and the community throughout the UK.

Please use the map below to find out where Roald Dahl Nurses are located. You can zoom in and scroll, and click on the red Marvin Crocodiles (our mascot) to reveal the hospital which the Roald Dahl Nurse is in. You can also use the search function on the left to find speciality (such as epilepsy, or haematology) or location like city or town.

You can search for a location (town/city/part of address):

If you have a question about our Roald Dahl Nurses or the locations they are in, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our team.