Emotional Support Service
If your family is cared for by a Roald Dahl Nurse, Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity is here to support you.
We understand the emotional challenges caring for a child or young person with a lifelong and complex condition can bring. Our Emotional Support Service is here to provide you with emotional support and advise.
If you are experiencing distress and need to speak to someone urgently, please call the Samaritans 24/7 helpline on 116 123. If you feel at risk of harm, please call 999.
We Offer:
1-1 Telephone Appointments
We offer 45-minute appointments with a Family Support Advisor who can provide reassurance, compassion, and emotional support.
Types of support available:
Speak with someone who can understand, listen, and support
Personal wellbeing
Support accessing groups and services near to you
Help navigating the support available from local authorities
Sleep advice
Child behaviour support
Support with preparing for meetings with healthcare professionals

The Emotional Support Service is delivered by Contact on behalf of Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity, this service is free, confidential, and exclusively available to families cared for by a Roald Dahl Nurse.
To register your interest in accessing our Emotional Support Service please fill the form below or, text SUPPORT to 60002 for free or, call us on our freephone 0800 448 0719.
If you have any questions about this service, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at familysupportservice@roalddahlcharity.org